Wednesday, February 17, 2010

An army of one

This is the first of the army of persimmon women which came from the last firing which took 5 days to fire instead of the usual 10 hours. The burners were so clogged that the pilot light refused to stay lit more than a few minutes. Finally it was hot enough to hold the heat in and continue to climb in temperature. So after the firing, we took the burners off and sent them to the refurbisher. About 3 in the morning, I thought a good electric firing might just be the new thing. Push a button and walk away. You know I love it all....except when I don't!


Patricia Chapman said...

Wow! She is gorgeous! Maybe that looooooong firing helped give her such a persimmony glow.

Caterina Giglio said...

she is just stunning! the sweetest look on her face! I love her and what a yummy color!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I stumbled onto your blog this morning and really love your clay fired art. I am intrigued with the process and your willingness to share your art.

I feature a blog a day and today (Feb 22) is yours. Thanks for being an inspiration.